Caleb Dawson

Job title: 
Lead Investigator and Director

Caleb E. Dawson (he/him) is a UC Berkeley alumn (PhD ‘23) and a UC President's Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Sociology at UC Merced. As Lead Investigator of BLAC, he oversees the initiative’s research, content creation, community engagement, fundraising, and team building efforts. Dawson recruits and directs graduate students who collaborate with him in training and supervising select undergraduate students through UC Berkeley’s Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program. His ideal day involves research in the morning; community-centered endeavors in the afternoon (including teaching and mentoring); and dancing, cycling, or jump roping to music with loved ones in the evening.

Research interests: 

Dr. Dawson is a Black feminist sociologist who examines Black peoples' experiences of inclusion, exploitation, and activism in higher education, paying nuanced attention to the perpetual significance of race, class, and gender in the 21st century.
